MRCP-2 2024
Our MRCP Part 2 question bank builds on the success of our MRCP Part 1 resource, offering over 2,600 single best answer (SBA) questions aligned with the complete UK Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training.
Tailored for the MRCP Part 2 exam, many questions incorporate images such as radiology slides, ECGs, and dermatology photographs.
Subscribers gain access to Pass medicine’s extensive collection of revision notes, with a distinct focus on MRCP Part 2 content—no overlap with Part 1 questions. The knowledge tutor is specially designed to reinforce high-yield MRCP Part 2 facts.
Key Features:
1. Compare your performance with other MRCP candidates, gauging readiness for the exam.
2. Answer questions in either revision or test mode, creating timed tests and mock exams.
3. Comprehensive teaching notes accompany each question, forming a reference library.
4. Questions undergo regular reviews to ensure relevance to current guidelines and clinical practice.
5. Progress through questions accumulates key points, offering valuable high-yield facts for last-minute revision.
After Intro
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— 28 February 2017
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